Save attributes
Stores attributes from incoming Message payload to the database and associate them to the Entity, that is identified by the Message Originator. Configured scope is used to identify attributes scope.
Supported scope types:
Client attributes
Shared attributes
Server attributes
Expects messages with POST_ATTRIBUTES_REQUEST message type. If message Type is not POST_ATTRIBUTES_REQUEST, Message will be routed via Failure chain.
When attributes are uploaded over existing API (HTTP / MQTT / CoAP / etc.) Message with correct payload and type will be passed into Input node of the Root Rule Chain.
In cases when it is required to trigger attributes saving inside Rule Chain, the Rule Chain should be configured to transform Message payload to the expected format and set message type to POST_ATTRIBUTES_REQUEST. It could be done using Script Transformation Node.
Expected Message Payload example:
After successful attributes saving, original Message will be passed to the next nodes via Success chain, otherwise Failure chain is used.
Last updated