SSH Access

To connect locally to the Dingo via SSH the following steps must be taken:

  1. read the IP of the Dingo from the display for Ethernet0, if IP address is unknown.

2. Open Putty and enter the IP adress of the Dingo Gateway:

Login credentials for the Dingo:

  • User: pi

  • Password: wingo7562

Connect to the DINGO device via SSH terminal and follow these instructions:

  1. sudo dingo-config

  2. Go to "3 Network setup"

Use the arrow keys for navigation and the space key for the enter/confirm function.

3. Then reboot to take effect: sudo reboot

Further information can be found here

DNS Settings

to set a different DNS make follow steps:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf.head

Content should look something like this:

nameserver DNSIPADRESS nameserver DNSIPADRESS

sudo resolvconf -u

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