Last updated
Last updated
For all Hex to decimal and vice versa conversions, use this converter:
All downlinks on Port 1
Wait before the first downlink got recieved (seen in the receive message) and a normal uplink got sent before sending the next one, if you want to send multiple
"4101" + "x", where as x = time in 4bit hexadezimal (keep in mind, that the number is in seconds and will be multiplied by 10 from the modbus)
100s Intervall: 4101000A
000A = 10 so 10x10 = 100
41 -> DL code for config change
xx -> register of the transmitter to be modified (S3xx -> xx), xx expressed in hexa (it starts with 30, so periodic reading 1 = 30 in hexa)
01 -> slave at address 1
0x00 -> register number (hexa-coded, 2 bytes)
0 -> periodic frame 1, holding
x -> on x numbers of registers also expressed in hexa
We want on the Periodic reading 1, 6 is the first register of register size is 1
41 -> DL code for config change
1E -> register of the transmitter to be modified (S330 -> 30), 1E expressed in hexa
01 -> slave at address 1
0006 -> register 6 (hexa-coded, 2 bytes)
0 -> periodic frame 1, holding
1 -> on 1 register
Downlink = 411E01000601